Plenty of driving schools offer defensive driver education, as well as advanced driving programs and online traffic safety courses. Research now shows that drivers who adopt defensive driving as a matter of course have a statistically better chance of avoiding serious injury whilst driving on the roads.
A Few Defensive Driving Safety Techniques:
1. Always use a seat belt. Statistics show that wearing a seat belt greatly improves the chances of surviving a serious road accident. Many countries regard driving without a seat belt as a traffic violation, making it illegal to drive without a seat belt.
2. Anticipate danger by expanding the line of sight and watching the road ahead. Drivers who adopt defensive driving techniques like this and leave a good gap between vehicles are able to brake early to avoid accidents. Even on a green light, it is still wise to look for other drivers who may be illegally trying to beat a red light.
3. Avoid internal distractions. Making sure your driving mirrors are set before you take off. Avoid talking on the telephone, change the CD player or flick between radio stations that take your attention away from the main activity, which is driving safely.
4. Watch yourself in heavy traffic. Experts on defensive driving techniques suggest the greatest risk is when drivers find themselves among a large pack of cars. The way to avoid an accident is to safely steer away from the pack of cars towards the front.
5. Steer clear of heavy vehicles. Watch carefully for heavy vehicles in your rear view mirror, and avoid driving in front of or beside them. Particularly avoid trucks with heavy, insecure loads, especially when cornering or rounding bends.
6. Drive with two hands on the wheel. Defensive drivers always grip the steering wheel securely with their hands at the nine and three o'clock positions. This position ensures maximum control of your vehicle at all times.
7. Do not travel in the blind spot of another vehicle. Blind spots can be real trap. A good rule of thumb when overtaking or following other traffic is to remember if you cannot see their mirrors, they cannot see you!
Avoid serious trauma and injury to you and your loved ones caused by other irresponsible drivers.
2. Anticipate danger by expanding the line of sight and watching the road ahead. Drivers who adopt defensive driving techniques like this and leave a good gap between vehicles are able to brake early to avoid accidents. Even on a green light, it is still wise to look for other drivers who may be illegally trying to beat a red light.
3. Avoid internal distractions. Making sure your driving mirrors are set before you take off. Avoid talking on the telephone, change the CD player or flick between radio stations that take your attention away from the main activity, which is driving safely.
4. Watch yourself in heavy traffic. Experts on defensive driving techniques suggest the greatest risk is when drivers find themselves among a large pack of cars. The way to avoid an accident is to safely steer away from the pack of cars towards the front.
5. Steer clear of heavy vehicles. Watch carefully for heavy vehicles in your rear view mirror, and avoid driving in front of or beside them. Particularly avoid trucks with heavy, insecure loads, especially when cornering or rounding bends.
6. Drive with two hands on the wheel. Defensive drivers always grip the steering wheel securely with their hands at the nine and three o'clock positions. This position ensures maximum control of your vehicle at all times.
7. Do not travel in the blind spot of another vehicle. Blind spots can be real trap. A good rule of thumb when overtaking or following other traffic is to remember if you cannot see their mirrors, they cannot see you!
Avoid serious trauma and injury to you and your loved ones caused by other irresponsible drivers.